Unnoticed and unobtrusive as they are, air conditioning and air ducts are an integral part of your home and they often hold the key to your family's health and quality of life. We need air, water, and food to survive, and air is the most important and essential ingredient among these. Read on to understand how regular local air duct cleaning can give you and your family health and longevity.
It is no secret that air contains hazardous substances such as a wide range of allergens, as well as radon gas that is carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Local air duct cleaning will ensure that your home's air ducts are clear of built up materials that can pour a steady stream of harmful substances into your home. Local air conditioning repair goes hand in hand with local air duct cleaning and will ensure that there is no build up of dust, microscopic organisms and allergens or harmful chemical substances inside your air conditioning, the likes of which are often detected while carrying out local emergency air conditioning repair.
Do you remember the last time you had local heat pump repair and local furnace repair carried out? If you were present when this was done, you would have noticed the layers of accumulated dust and sediment inside the machinery, which go on to have a long-lasting health effect of those that reside or work within its vicinity. Local heat pump repair and local furnace repair should therefore be carried out regularly in order to mitigate their potential health hazards.
Dirty ducts also have another long-lasting impact: they drain your bank account. If local air duct cleaning is not carried out regularly, the cooling system will not last long and repairs and maintenance will add an extra burden to your finances. Dirty ducts also reduce air flow and slowly choke up the air conditioning, leading to increased heating and cooling bills, and an increased incidence of malfunctioning air conditioning, which will consequently increase your local air conditioning repair and local emergency air conditioning repair bills.
You should have your local air duct cleaning done right away if:
* You can see visible mold growth on the outside of the sheet metal or the hard surface, or on other components of the machinery such as the cooling system. You should be aware that many sections and components are not visible or accessible. The absence of visibly mold does not rule out the existence of mold or other substances.
* The ducts and other components appear to be infested with insects or vermin. This situation should be addressed immediately.
* You can see that the ducts are choked or clogged with debris, dust, or deposits of particles. This situation is especially hazardous as it can steadily release a stream of invisible particles into your home's air, leading to long-term health problems in your family.
You can prevent all of these happening by having local air duct cleaning performed at regular intervals. Not only will it keep you and your family happy and save you much money, it will also give you lasting peace of mind.
Lavender Care is your best choice in keeping your
home fresh and inviting. We offer a variety of cleaning services guaranteed to
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