If the title of this article does not look much relevant to you, you better be aware of the fact that numerous fire accidents and casualties happen every year just because Air duct cleaning is not paid enough attention. And simply for this crucial aspect is not taken seriously, it is the lint piled up in exhaust vents of the dryer that become the cause of fire as a result of building up that enormous heat and fire thereby. Besides, there can be numerous other attributes too that contribute catching up fire for want of regular dryer vent cleaning. Therefore, it is worth spending some time over this insightful piece of write-up.
Why make dryer vent cleaning a habit?
In today's fast paced lifestyle that also demands a tidy appearance, one cannot stress enough how significantly dryers help in keeping the cloths clean and suffice individuals to lead a healthy life. However, it is surprising that not many people are sensible enough towards obtaining services of an expert in air duct cleaning for the upkeep of this helpful device. Dryer vent cleaning is one major prerequisite and there are reasons why you should ascertain it is done regularly. While it is common sense that unclear vents reduce efficiency of your appliance, it is a universal fact that dirt deposits in dryer invite fire incidents. Thus, this becomes all the more hazardous especially in domestic surroundings.
What causes fire in dryers?
Lint pileup in vents of your dryer hose adversely impact in many ways to risk possibility of fire. Firstly, if your house arrangement is such that a long hose is required to connect with the roof top or exit elsewhere, there is a fair possibility for lint to scatter at many places. You would have been glad when buying the dryer because you own one with a lint trap; sadly though, every scrap of lint doesn't get trapped here. Also, an ideal way to install dryer is to minimise number of turns or bends otherwise you make it possible for trapped lint to escape out and may require calling Air duct cleaning services too often.
Relevance of air duct cleaning services
Lint deposition being an unavoidable part with dryers, proper and regular air duct cleaning, to the tune of once or twice every year, is mandatory. If necessary, you must enter into maintenance contract with an air duct cleaning services professional such as Dr Air Care so that your dryer keeps delivering its 100% efficiency. A dryer filled with lint not just obstructs free air flow, it has to exert extra hard to dry your clothes thus needing more time, compared to when dryer vent cleaning is more disciplined.
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